Austria's environment minister and her entourage arrived at Glasgow Central Station having crossed half the continent in the time it takes some V.I.Ps to circle the globe. She said "Wherever possible I try to choose the climate friendly option." and believes that "Trains and night trains are the future of short- and medium-distance travel in Europe,"

Since taking office last year, the Green Party politician has pushed to revive Europe's once-extensive night train network, which has suffered heavy cuts due to competition from low-budget airlines. She recently launched a nationwide climate ticket that allows Austrians to travel the length and breadth of the Alpine nation on any form of public transport for 3 euros or about three dollars and fifty cents a day. Nearly 130,000 people have already bought in.

On the other hand, as more than 40 world leaders pledged to phase out coal use within decades at the COP26 climate conference, Australia was absent from the promises. The country is the second largest exporter of coal used in power stations in the world, and the government says it won't be closing coal mines or power stations any time soon.

The government says it is committed to a net zero carbon emissions target by 2050 but it says it won't dismantle the coal industry to do so, instead relying on investment in new technologies. Government members say roughly 300,000 Australians rely on the country's coal sector for jobs.

But this morning, the country's Prime Minister encourages Australian's to Buy electric vehicles. Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the price of the technology would reduce in time and by encouraging the number of sales to go up prices would go down which he feels is a better plan than using taxpayer money to subsidize EV automakers. The government expects that would result in 30% of new passenger and light commercial truck sales being battery electric or plug-in hybrid electric by 2030.

Currently, less than 2% of new vehicles sold in Australia are electric. Australia, on a per capital basis, is one of the world's worst greenhouse gas emitters.