Northwest Michigan Peer Network Brings Help to First Responders & Agencies in Need
Suicide rates among first responders have never been higher than they are today. Acute and chronic exposure to
traumatic events can lead to a myriad of behavioral health issues if left unmanaged. Beginning in 2018, a group of area
first responders identified what they felt was a problem. First responders were suffering due to traumatic exposure, and
the specialized resources to help responders cope with traumatic events were not readily available. To combat this
issue, a growing number of first responders began to receive specialized training in group and individual crisis
intervention, critical incident stress management, and peer support.
Since 2018, the Northwest Michigan Peer Support Network has rapidly evolved into a group of highly trained, organized,
and motivated first responders and clinicians that are 100% volunteer. Our personnel are dedicated to helping agencies
manage complex issues including the aftereffects of a major emergency incident, a line of duty death, or member