A bridge in Charlevoix has reopened following a bomb threat.

Around 3:13 p.m, Michigan State Police released a statement on Twitter saying that the bridge on US-31 Highway, in downtown Charlevoix was temporarily closed.

Around that time, Charlevoix County Emergency Management made a Facebook post asking residents to please avoid the Charlevoix Bridge area due to a severe incident. They added that any businesses or residents within the 2 block radius of the bridge, please seek an alternative location at this time.

Around 3:30 p.m., State police stated that a bomb threat was made and that the police were taking the necessary precautions to keep the community safe.

MSP Canine Teams were called to check for explosives.

Just After 5 p.m., State Police said that the MSP Canine Teams had cleared the bridge in Charlevoix and it is now open to traffic.